Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Blink: An Original Piece

The days passed slowly and you hoped and prayed and wished
That the day would end soon, because it was killing you.

All the thoughts racing through your mind, just waiting to explode
Like a bomb, and it was only a matter of time.

Tick, tick, tick, 

But when you looked up at the clock it was only noon, 
and you realized your day wouldn’t end soon.

But when you really look back, the time went so fast, 
Like one minute it’s there and the next it’s gone. 

The disappearing time of the reoccurring rhyme and rhythm of your day.
Where did it all go?

Yesterday you were on the swings, care-free, cootie sharing, whitey-tighty wearing,
But then you blink. 

And you’re at work then school then home with the mess and the stress, 
and pressure of all the responsibilities of being how old? Too old! 

Where did the years go? Who said it could go by so fast?  Not me.
Does my life begin now or did it begin then? 

And the bomb comes back because your thoughts are racing,
 and you’re running out of time. 

Tick, tick, tick,

And then you blink.


  1. I could totally see this as a song! Love it!

    1. Thank you! It's definitely meant to be read a bit more fast-paced; similar to that of slam poetry.

  2. Very perceptive for one so young :) Do record it!


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